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Chemo brain – how cancer rehab can help

Monday, Jan. 30, 2017
man depressed

A fairly new concept in Canada; cancer rehab has benefits that are well supported by current research. Patients can regain physical and mental well-being. In addition, cancer rehab can help patients return to work, participate in activities and hobbies they enjoy and most importantly - to living independently. 

Lifemark employs a holistic approach to cancer rehab: encouraging good nutrition, exercise, spiritual and emotional support and cognitive training. 

Cancer-related brain fog, or “chemo brain” is a common side effect of cancer treatment.

Symptoms of “chemo brain” may include:
•    Memory loss
•    Inability to multi-task
•    Confusion
•    Slowed thought process
•    Word-finding difficulty
•    Difficulty learning new things

to-do list

Many cancer survivors are left with cancer treatment-related issues that can be physical and psychosocial. Cancer rehab is appropriate at all stages of the cancer journey and can assist functional recovery following cancer treatment.

Psychosocial issues common with cancer:
•    Anxiety
•    Depression
•    Fatigue
•    Stress
•    Fear
•    Worry
•    Dread
•    Insomnia

This is due to the worry and stress brought on by diagnosis, drug treatment, fatigue and uncontrolled pain that can result even when there are no remaining signs of the disease.
An occupational therapist can address the psychosocial and cognitive challenges often experienced after cancer treatment. They use a variety of techniques and tools to improve functional capacity and overall quality of life.

OTs can assess and treat mild cognitive impairments, teach fatigue management, evaluate work readiness and advise on compensation strategies.

Examples of cognitive strategies include:
•    Reducing distraction
•    Avoiding over-stimulation
•    Keeping a routine
•    Employing memory aids
•    Using to-do lists

Cancer rehab is a treatment option that should become common practice. To be assessed by one of our highly-trained occupational therapists, please contact us at [email protected], or call or visit your local cancer rehab clinic. 

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